Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Where Did February Go????

I'll pick up from my last post....

I wound up back in the ER on January 28th and was admitted to the hospital for 4 days. I was released on February 1st with still no answers and in pain.

I went back to work and made it through as best as could. For the next 3 weeks I would get nauseated when eating and would wind up sick every few days.

I went back to the surgeon on February 15th and scheduled surgery for Friday, February 24th to have my appendix removed and to look for scar tissue. With my history, this is what the doctors believed was causing the pain even though I kept saying it was different and that I never had the vomiting before.

Gabe's birthday on February 18th was a good night with friends. We had a group of 30 meet at The Hungry Owl for dinner. It was a great time, but of course the rich food made me sick.

On Fat Tuesday it was a normal work day for us. After work we wound up going tool shopping for Gabe then went to Five Guys for dinner. Around 9pm I was sick and it wouldn't stop. At 11pm we called the surgeon and he said to go back to the ER. At midnight we got to the ER and waited two hours til there was a room. While in the ER they did the usual blood work and abdominal x-rays. Once I quit vomiting I noticed I now had pain in the upper right abdomen. The surgeon came in at 6am and said my bilirubins were elevated and he believed it was now my gall bladder.

Hello!!! We've been asking since 1/25 if they had checked my gall bladder. We were told it would show in the CT scan. LIARS!!!

I was admitted to the hospital and we waited all day Wednesday to see a doctor for the results. I kept asking about the ultrasound results and was told I had gall stones. My surgeon came in first thing Thursday morning and said we would operate in an hour.

The procedure went well. The doctor removed my gall bladder and my appendix. There was no scar tissue. I came home that night and I've been recovering ever since.

I'm still sore, tender, and in pain. I'm also exhausted. I really want to get back to work. I need to get back to normal. This last month was insane for us. I was sick all month then Liberty had a sinus infection that messed with her asthma the week of Valentine's as well.

February, I won't miss you. I hope that March is a better month. Liberty will turn 10. My baby will be a decade. I can't believe it. I'm so ready to celebrate her birthday. She just wants a sleep over with a couple of friends.

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