Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Job Update

I am officially a Client Services Representative at SSI Group. I have spent two days in training/orientation and I have two more to go. Five new employees started yesterday. We are enjoying getting to know each other and our way around the building.

I am taking on more work at AIDT as well. I started shadowing in the classroom setting tonight. I will still work in the computer lab as well. I am getting more hours to help with the pay cut I took. We won't have to sweat things as bad and Liberty should still have a good Christmas.

Liberty loves Training Station. Her friend Hannah attends so they are enjoying the play time together. Maisy is doing well with her new schedule. Gabe and I have come home for lunch both days this week to let her out and play with her some.

We are watching Gustav to see where he goes next. Is outerspace out of the question????

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