Monday, August 11, 2008

Manic Monday

I always loved that song by The Bangles. Anyway, today was Libby's first day at Dodge Elementary where she is attending first grade. There was a horrible storm this morning. We got drenched going into the school. Once inside, I could only walk her to the hallway where she sits and reads until the 8:00am bell. She got upset and cried. I wanted to cry, too.

When I got home, I applied with three employment agencies. Then I had lunch with Gabe. The University of South Alabama called and I have an interview in the morning for the secretarial positions I applied for. We'll see how the money is. Then Snelling contacted me. He said my resume was impressive and he would have someone compare my qualifications to jobs they have. Next he e-mailed asking if I wanted to interview for a position with Snelling. I said yes, but do not have an interview scheduled. Finally, the American Heart Association called about the Gala Director position I applied for on Monster last week. I had a phone interview with HR and I now have a face-to-face interview in Mobile on Thursday. Wow! What a productive day on the job hunt.

Before I knew it, it was 2:45pm so I left to pick up Libby. Man, carpool was a nightmare. I sat in line until 3:30pm. Then Libby did not answer to her number. I taught it to her one way, but they did not call it that way. Who knew? Anyway, they finally called her name and she came. By this time she was in tears. We now know the number and dismissal should be better tomorrow.

Libby had a good day at school. She made some friends and likes her teacher. She said the only bad parts were the morning when I had to leave and when I picked her up. Tomorrow I'm not walking her in, so that will help and we now know the number the correct way so she's good there.

I posted pictures from this morning. Here's a comparison from the first day of kindergarten to the first day of first grade:

Kindergarten First Grade
I didn't realize how much she's grown until I saw these pictures side-by-side.

For our first day of school tradition we let Libby pick where she wanted to go for dinner. We went to Chili's. After dinner she wanted dessert so we shared the Molten Lava Cake. We had a quiet evening. She's now in bed and excited about tomorrow. So am I.

1 comment:

CraftyHope said...

First - Congrats on the job hunt front! Sounds like things are picking up. I guess it helps when you don;t have a 6-year old distracting you.

Secondly - I have an inkling that it wasn't hard for Libby to convince you to get THAT dessert. I know how you feel about it!!