Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Start to a New Year

It's a new year! It's time to say good bye to 2010 and look forward to all that 2011 has to offer. Some things I did right today. I spent the day with family. We celebrated Christmas late with my in-laws this year. The kids had a great day together. It was wonderful. We then spent a few hours with a good friend from high school and his parents. I tracked my calories using My Fitness Pal. I plan on using this site and phone app this year to help me focus on what I'm putting into my body. I even got my hubby to the add the Android app to his phone.

Others things I did wrong today. I didn't exercise today. I didn't eat right. I didn't have enough water. I know I have to take it one day at a time and that each day I can improve.

I have to remember that I have just been sick and I'm still recovering from that. I don't need to over do anything and make myself sick again.

I've started reading a lot again. I'm really enjoying my Amazon Kindle that my parents gave me for my birthday. I'm currently reading the first Percy Jackson book: The Lightning Thief. So far I'm enjoying the story of Percy and how he's learning about being a half-blood: one parent is a mortal and the other is a Greek god or goddess. I see where the stories could help children be interested in learning about mythology. I haven't seen the movie yet so I'll wait until I finish the book.

I hope that everyone has a great 2011. Remember what's important each day. It's the small moments with family that become memories that matter. If something doesn't go right or you stray from what you wanted to do, tomorrow is a new day.

My resolutions this year are to focus on the things that matter most: family, friends, and making memories of this wonderful life I have been given. I'm going to try not to stress out about the small things. I hope to have a prosperous year at my new job. I hope to continue building the healthy habits I started in 2010 when it comes to diet and exercise. I need to especially keep with the excercise to improve me health.

1 comment:

CraftyHope said...

Focus on the good and start over again tomorrow just like you said!

Happy New Year!!! *HUGS*